weather and storm photos storm chasing and weather organizations helps for the storm chaser the latest in weather research news articles and storm chase information archived weather data computer forecast models raw weather data for computer programs upper air maps and information satellite images and sites radar images surface weather maps general weather sites and information the severe weather center what's new at storm chase storm chase home page
storm chasing resourcesmfor storm chasers

Resources For Storm Chasing & Weather Enthusiasts

List of all WSR-88D radar sites

National Weather Service Radio Frequencies Across The U.S.
Storm-Chase Mailing List
Storm Chase Ethics - An essay by Al Moller
SPC's Tornado FAQ
Storm Chasing FAQ - by Chuck Doswell
Storm Spotter's Guide - by NSSL
Subscribe to WX-TALK & WX-CHASE email list
The National Skywarn Homepage
weather graphics and products for storm chasers
The home of Tim Vasquez, weather software guru.........(and a really great guy!)


Home | General Weather | Severe Weather | Surface Weather | Upper Air | Satellite | Radar | Computer Models | Raw Data | News Articles | Tornado Pictures | Tornado Movies | FAQ'S | Research | Weather Courses | Archives | Space Weather | Storm Chasing Links | Contact | Aviation Stuff |

Storm chasing is dangerous. You could be hurt or killed in its pursuit, especially if you have little or no knowledge of severe storms and their environment. Chase hazards include but are not limited to heavy rain, flash flooding, lightning, high winds, large hail, tornadoes, and flying debris. Hydroplaning on the road and traffic accidents also occur. If you desire to chase, get informed and educated about weather. Contact your local National Weather Service Office, and enroll in a SKYWARN training class. Read and view all of the published information regarding severe weather, thunderstorms, and tornadoes that you can. You are responsible for educating yourself. Next, contact an experienced chaser in your area, and arrange to travel with them, until you've gained sufficient experience to go it alone. Even at that, veteran chasers get caught in harm's way from time to time. Play it safe. This page is for informational and educational use, and the authors disavow any responsibility for actions you may take.

Images and articles © 2005 Matthew Ver Steeg, Adam Frederick, and Weather Edge, Inc. All rights reserved.
Unauthorized use prohibited. Text, graphics, and HTML code are protected
by US and International Copyright Laws, and may not be copied, reprinted,
published, translated, or otherwise distributed by any means without explicit permission.